New iPads help push tablet POS adoption

Over the last few weeks, Apple has released new versions of its popular tablet with the iPad Air and the iPad mini with Retina display. These two devices are predicted to be big sellers during the holiday season, but they could also be used by retailers as a cash register system.

A recent article from Tablet PC Review examined the different ways that iPads have become a major player in the tablet POS marketplace. The original iPad essentially launched the marketplace in 2010 and three short years later, many retailers—large and small—have adopted tablets as an improved way to handle customer payments.

The article mentions national global chains like JCPenney, Barney's and Apple, as well as small corner shops that have found a number of benefits in mobile commerce systems. These are things like a cheaper cost of entry, "line-busting," handling checkouts from anywhere in the store and opening up floor space. 

"Stores also find that tablet-based POS systems take up less floor space - and that when not in use, they can be detached to free up counter space for tasks like merchandise packing," the article reads.

The use of tablet POS systems has been on the rise over the last few years. As the hardware continues to evolve and more third party peripherals hit the market, it becomes easier for businesses to justify adopting mobile checkout systems. With the help of a payment solution provider, any organization can implement this new solution.

by Ty Hardison

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